Judicial Independence - the EPO Responds to Sir Robin Jacob's Letter

Merpel posted a copy of Sir Robin Jacob's letter to the Administrative Council of the European Patent Office earlier in January, on his request.  The letter protested the treatment of a member of the Boards of Appeal of the EPO, and reiterated the importance of the judicial independence of the Boards of Appeal.

Merpel has now learned that the EPO has responded, in the form of an email by Mr Guillaume Minnoye, Vice-President of Directorate General 1 (DG 1) to the members of the DG1, namely the Examiners of the Office.  The email reads in its relevant entirety:

Dear all,

In relation to the letter sent by Professor Sir Robin Jacob to Mr. Kongstad, VP1 asked to share with you the following remarks:

Sir Jacob         1) is not aware of all facts
                        2) is not aware of what the decision of the president was (office ban)
                        3) does not understand that the AC took the decision based on facts!
                        4) does not understand that this case has nothing to do with the independence of the Boards!
                        5) and nevertheless writes this letter!

Best regards,

It seems to Merpel that the letter speaks for itself, and therefore she will refrain from further comment.  Doubtless her readers will find something to say.