Friday Fantasies
This week, the blog has prepared a smorgasbord of Kat food delights. Some were already served in Tuesday Thingies. The rest is now being offered up in this delicious post.
The 4th EU-China IP Academic Forum
The Academic Forum will be held on 22nd October 2019 at Sede Universitaria Ciudad de Alicante. It is dedicated to a broad discussion with the participation of leading professors and universities from EU and China. The Forum will conduct the following sessions:
Session 1: IP issues in the context of globalization:
- The trend of IP enforcement in free trade negotiations
- Enhancing the IP segment in the Digital Silk Road Initiative
- IP and the new protectionism
Session 2: IP and Artificial Intelligence:
- AI-generated inventions under European and Chinese Patent Law
- AI-generated works under EU and Chinese Copyright Law
- Text and data mining activities under EU and Chinese Copyright Law
A Session dedicated to the experiences of PhD students (Chinese students studying in the EU and vice versa), with practical advice and lessons learnt.
You can register on the online platform here.
Book Launch: Copyright and Collective Authorship
UCL Laws Institute of Brand and Innovation Law is pleased to host the launch of Dr Daniela Simone's new book Copyright and Collective Authorship: Locating the Authors of Collaborative Work, published by Cambridge University Press.
The launch will take place on 23rd October 2019, from 18:00 to 19:45 at The Hub/Gideon Schreier Lecture Theatre, UCL Faculty of Laws, Bentham House, Endsleigh Gardens, London WC1H 0EG
Rt Hon Professor Sir Robin Jacob will chair the launch. The launch will also involve a panel discussion of the book with Professor Tanya Aplin, King's College London and Professor Séverine Dusollier, SciencesPo Paris
The link for the registration and more information on the event can be found here.
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WIPO Seminar on the Hague System: Insights into Refusals and New Developments, Opportunities
A seminar “The Hague System: Insights into Refusals and New Developments, Opportunities", will be held on October 29th 2019, from 8:00 to 16:40 at WIPO headquarters, in Geneva.
The seminar will focus on national procedures for international registrations of certain major examining jurisdictions, such as Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation and the United States. In particular, there will be a roundtable involving examining jurisdictions concerning their examination practices.
A registered participant may submit issues for eventual discussion during the seminar, either by e-mail:, or through the Contact Hague page Alternatively, you may get in touch with Mr. Max Germeil, Associate Market Analyst, Hague Development and Promotion Section, The Hague Registry, Brands and Designs Sector, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) (T. 41223388526; email:
Information about the seminar, including online registration form, is here.
Talks at the University of Nottingham Commercial Law Centre
The centre will host following two talks
1.'Paintings from Photographs: A Copyright Conundrum' on 20th November 2019, from 18:00 - 19:00, at B55, Law and Social Sciences, University Park
Lord Richard Arnold will speak about his recent article in IIC entitled“Paintings from Photographs: A Copyright Conundrum”
No RSVP required. All are welcome.
More information for this talk is here.
2.'Exhaustion in intellectual property' on 25th March 2020. The time and venues are still to be determined. Dr Peter Mezei (Szeged University) will speak..
More information for this talk is here.
Further events organised by the centre can be found here.
Joint JIPLP-GRUR Conference on 'The Future of IP in a Changing World'
JIPLP and GRUR will jointly offer a free half-day conference in London on 10th December 2019, from 13:30 to 19:30 to discuss 'The Future of IP in a Changing World'. The programme features leading industry representatives, practitioners, and academics, as well as two keynote addresses to be delivered by, Sir Robin Jacob (Sir Hugh Laddie Chair of Intellectual Property Law at UCL) and Ms Ros Lynch (Copyright and IP Enforcement Director at the UK Intellectual Property Office).
Kindly hosted at the Tower Bridge offices of RPC (Tower Bridge House, St Katharine's Way, London, E1W 1AA), the conference will allow participants to discuss key issues in the patent, copyright, trade mark and enforcement fields.
For more information: here.
Call for Papers
For more information, see here.
Call for Papers
The 5th Asian IP Works-in-Progress Conference
The Applied Research Centre for Intellectual Assets and the Law in Asia (ARCIALA), School of Law, Singapore Management University, teaming up with the School of Law, City University of Hong Kong, will co-host the 5th Asian IP Works-in-Progress Conference on January 9th and 10th 2020 in City University of Hong Kong.
Presentation proposals that cover at least two Asian jurisdictions will be preferred. Interested colleagues please submit the title of the proposed presentation, an abstract of 300 words and CV in a Word document before October 15th, 2019 to
To promote and encourage the study of Asian IP laws for the betterment of IP regimes in Asia, ARCIALA has secured funding for a total of 25-28 speakers in the form of Asian IP Scholar Awards and Young Asian IP Scholar Awards (for PhD and graduate students), which includes return tickets and accommodation of three nights (excluding visa fees). Colleagues interested in applying for the awards need to submit an abstract and CV in a Word document with an outline of 800 words (instead of the 300 word abstract) before October 15th, 2019 to The selected paper proposals will be uploaded and displayed on the ARCIALA website
For more information: here
The 2nd IP & Innovation Researchers of Asia (IPIRA) Conference
The IP & Innovation Researchers of Asia (IPIRA) Network is pleased to announce the Second IP & Innovation Researchers of Asia (IPIRA) Conference, which will be held on 27th -28th February 2020 at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia, in Jakarta, Indonesia.
This Conference is organized by the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia in collaboration with Texas A&M University School of Law, and the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and the World Trade Organization (WTO).
This Conference is organized by the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia in collaboration with Texas A&M University School of Law, and the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and the World Trade Organization (WTO).
The IPIRA Conference is an initiative created to provide a forum for academics and other researchers to present and discuss their papers and works-in-progress with colleagues from other universities, policy makers, and other stakeholders. The scientific organizers welcome submissions by senior, mid-career, and junior academics writing on topics related to IP law-related issues in Asian law, international law, and comparative law
The deadline to submit an abstract and a request to present is 30th October 2019.
There will be no registration fee or any other costs associated with attending the Second IPIRA Conference. However, all presenters must cover their own travel-related and accommodation expenses. The organizers are working to secure funds to partially assist a limited number of researchers with financial needs from developing countries in Asia.
12th Annual ISHTIP Workshop: 'Landmarks of Intellectual Property'
The International Society for the History and Theory of Intellectual Property will host its 12th annual workshop from 13th to 17th July 2020 in the second largest natural harbour in the world: Poole, UK—home to Bournemouth University.
The 2020 workshop will explore the contemporary relevance of landmark developments of intellectual property. Proposals are invited to consider the different ways in which a place, a time, a personality, a case, or a particular year has become a landmark in IP.
Proposers should be aware that authors (except for doctoral students, who will present in a separate dedicated session) do not present their own work at ISHTIP workshops. Rather, a discussant presents a brief summary and critique of the contribution to facilitate a more general discussion. To accommodate this, final contributions must be submitted ahead of the workshop.
The doctoral-student panel will be dedicated to the work of Prof Martha Woodmansee who founded ISHTIP in 2008, and who will be retiring. She has published widely at the intersection of aesthetics, cultural history, and copyright law; proposals are particularly encouraged to pursue this intersection.
Proposals for contributions (please see the submission form for details) should be sent by email to Claudy Op den Kamp at
- Date for submission of proposals: Friday 17 January 2020
- Expected date for notification of acceptance: Friday 7 February 2020
- Date for submission of final contributions: Monday 1 June 2020
More information can be found here.
Job Opportunities
Post-doctoral position 'Platform Governance and Copyright'
The Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG) invites applications for a postdoctoral positionp "Platform Governance and Copyright". The expected start date is 1st January 2020. The successful candidate will work as a post-doctoral researcher in the EU H2020 research project "Rethinking Digital Copyright Law for a Culturally Diverse, Accessible, Creative Europe" (National PI: Dr Christian Katzenbach), and will be part of the research group-- "The Evolving Digital Society: Concepts, Discourses, Materialities". Documents should be submitted by 28th October 2019, using the online form.. Please contact Dr Christian Katzenbach ( with any questions,.
More information are here.
Friday Fantasies
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Friday, October 11, 2019
Rating: 5