Google Play Conducts 200 Million Security scans per Day

Android's 'PackageInstaller' Vulnerability a Gateway to hack Devices

Android 5.1 Memory Leak bug has already been Fixed

Vulnerabilities has been disclosed in the Samsung SNS Provider application

Android Browser Kitkat Content Spoofing Vulnerability

Exploiting Android Device with Metasploit in Kali Linux

La suite bureautique LibreOffice s'invite sur les terminaux Android Une version bêta téléchargeable sur le Play Store

Appie - Android Pentesting Portable Integrated Environment

Kali Linux NetHunter - Android penetration testing platform

Nipper - Toolkit Web Scan for Android

Android : deux applications sur trois récupèrent des données personnelles à l'insu des utilisateurs, selon une enquête de la CNIL

Android Studio - The official Android IDE

zANTI 2.0 - Android Network Toolkit

Not Compatible Malware a threat to Mobile users of Enterprises

Radare - The Reverse Engineering Framework

[PDF] liste non exhaustive des livres de programmation

A Tale Of Another SOP Bypass In Android Browser < 4.4

Drozer - The Leading Security Assessment Framework for Android

drozer - Security Testing Framework for Android

Few Android Shortcuts !!