RAWR - Rapid Assessment of Web Resources
Introducing RAWR (Rapid Assessment of Web Resources). There’s a lot packed in this tool that will help you get a better grasp of the threat landscape that is your client’s web resources. It has been tested from extremely large network environments, down to 5 node networks. It has been fine-tuned to promote fast, accurate, and applicable results in usable formats. RAWR will make the mapping phase of your next web assessment efficient and get you producing positive results faster!
- A customizable CSV containing ordered information gathered for each host, with a field for making notes/etc.
- An elegant, searchable, JQuery-driven HTML report that shows screenshots, diagrams, and other information.
- a CSV Treat Matrix for an easy view of open ports across all provided hosts. (Use -a to show all ports.)
- Default password suggestions using a list compiled from several online sources.
- Supports the use of a proxy (Burp, Zap, W3aF)
- Captures/stores SSL Certificates, Cookies, and Cross-domain.xml
- Customizable crawl of links within the host’s domain.
- PNG Diagram of all pages found during crawl
- List of links crawled in tiered format.
- List of documents seen for each site.
- Automation-Friendly output (JSON strings)
- nmap – at least 6.00 – required for SSL strength assessment
- graphviz – site diagram from crawl (optional)
- python-lxml – parsing xml & html
- python-pygraphviz – site layout from crawl (optional)
- phantomJS – tested with 1.9.1, can be downloaded/installed in local folder during –check-install
RAWR - Rapid Assessment of Web Resources
Reviewed by 0x000216
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Rating: 5