Crowbar - Brute Forcing Tool for Pentests

CeWL - Custom WordList Generator Tool for Password Cracking

John the Ripper 1.8.0-jumbo-1 - Fast Password Cracker

THC-SmartBrute - Finds undocumented and secret commands implemented in a smartcard

THC-Hydra 8.1 - Network Logon Cracker

Dirs3arch - HTTP(S) Directory/File Brute Forcer

Hydra Network Logon Cracker 8.0 - Very fast network logon cracker which support many different services

[THC-Hydra v7.6] Fast Parallel Network Logon Cracker

[Router Password Kracker] Router Password Recovery Software

[DirBuster] Brute Force Directories and Files Names on Web/Application Servers

[Hashcat v0.47] The world’s fastest CPU-based password recovery tool

[BTCrack v1.1] The worlds first Bluetooth Pass phrase (PIN) Bruteforce Tool

[THC-Hydra 7.5] Fast Parallel Network Logon Cracker

[MKBRUTUS] Password bruteforcer for MikroTik devices or boxes running RouterOS

[WFacebook] Facebook Password Cracker

[Patator v0.5] Multi-purpose brute-forcer, with a modular design and a flexible usage

[Hash Kracker Console] Tool to find out the password from the Hash

[oclHashcat-lite v0.15] Worlds fastest NTLM, MD5, SHA1, SHA256 and Descrypt Cracker

[oclHashcat-plus v0.14] Worlds fastest md5crypt, phpass, mscash2 and WPA/WPA2 cracker

[Hashcat v0.44] Advanced Password Recovery