SmartSPLAT - Tool to troubleshoot Checkpoint firewall issues and perform management tasks
Smart SPLAT is a freeware software to troubleshoot Checkpoint firewall issues and perform management tasks.
It periodically checks for an update and when a new release is published, updates itself via the SmartSPLAT web site.
Critical commands like cpstop, kill, reboot and etc. deleting a license or similar commands that can cause your firewall not to function properly are colored red protected by checkboxes and shows confirmation dialogs.
In this project we have used an ssh Library based on the Poderosa project.
For file transfer operations, SmartSPLAT uses putty pscp.exe, to work with SCP /etc/scpusers/ file should be modified.
Smart SPLAT has a script named preparescp. It checks if user exists at /etc/scpusers/ if not, adds a line for it.
SmartSPLAT - Tool to troubleshoot Checkpoint firewall issues and
perform management tasks
Reviewed by 0x000216
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Rating: 5