Liffy - Local File Inclusion Exploitation Tool

[Panoptic] Automates the process of search and retrieval of content for common log and config files through LFI vulnerability

[WAppEx v2.0] Web Application Exploitation Tool

EXPLOIT-DEV : CentOS 6.3 vs Ubuntu 12.04

fimap - A little tool for local and remote file inclusion auditing and exploitation

lfimap v1.4.8

Bunny LFI Scanner

lafuzz - Local File Incursion exploiter

[TuT] LFI Exploitation via /proc/self/environ [TuT]

[HUGE] Vulnerable Site List [LFI]

[LFI] A few more sites...

[TUT] LFI (Uploading Shell) [Pics/Video]

[LFI] Vulnerable Sites

LFI vunrable

LFI (Local FIle Inclusion)