Ninja PingU - High performance network scanner tool for large scale analyses
NINJA-PingU Is Not Just a Ping Utility is a free open-source high performance network scanner tool for large scale analyses. It has been designed with performance as its primary goal and developed as a framework to allow easy plugin creation.
NINJA PingU comes out of the box with a set of plugins for services analysis and embedded devices identification. More information about those can be found in its home page at
# sudo ./bin/npingu [OPTIONS] targets
-t Number of sender threads.
-p Port scan range. For instance, 80 or 20-80.
-d Delay between packages sent (in usecs).
-s No service identification (less bandwith load, more hosts/time).
-m Module to run. For instance, Service.
-h Show this help.
[targets] Ip address seed. For instance, 192.168.1. or
Example to scan some OVH servers:
# ./bin/npingu -t 3 -p 20-80 -d 1 -m Service
-Targeted Hosts []
-Targeted Port Range [20-80]
-Threads [3]
-Delay 1 usec
-Use the Service identification Module
Example to scan several google web servers:
# ./bin/npingu -t 5 -p 80 -s
-Targeted Hosts []
-Targeted Port [80]
-Threads [5]
-s synOnly scan
Example for scanning the 32764/TCP Backdoor
# ./bin/npingu -t 2 -m Backdoor32764 -p 32764
-Targeted Hosts []
-Targeted Port [32764]
-Threads [2]
-Use the 32764/TCP Backdoor Module
Ninja PingU - High performance network scanner tool for large scale
Reviewed by 0x000216
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Rating: 5