Goddi (Go Dump Domain Info) - Dumps Active Directory Domain Information

Windows Event Log Killer - Invoke-Phant0m

Tool to simulate fake processes of analysis sandbox/VM software - Fake Sandbox Processes (FSP)

PowerShell Remote Download Cradle Generator and Obfuscator - Invoke-CradleCrafter

Microsoft PowerShell Module to Find HoneyPots and HoneyTokens in the Network - HoneypotBuster

Powershell C2 Server and Implants - PoshC2

Tool to find missing Windows patches for Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerabilities - Sherlock

A Framework That Creates An Advanced FUD Dropper With Some Tricks - Dr0p1t-Framework 1.2

Malicious WMI Events using PowerShell - PowerLurk

The Need for Instrumentation

Unicorn - Tool for using a PowerShell downgrade attack and inject shellcode straight into memory

Antak WebShell - A webshell which utilizes PowerShell

[PoshSec Framework v0.2] Graphical Interface for Powershell scripts

[Nishang v0.3.0] The PowerShell for Penetration Testing released (introducing Powerpreter)

[Nishang v.0.2.7] PowerShell for Penetration Testing