Like to snmpwalk, snmpcheck allows you to enumerate the SNMP devices and places the output in a very human readable friendly format. It could be useful for penetration testing or systems monitoring. Distributed under GPL license and based on "Athena-2k" script by jshaw.
Power monitoring - SNMP
Reviewed by 0x000216
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Rating: 5
simple network Management Protocol (SNMP)
The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is an Internet-standard that provides a simple method for remotely managing virtually any network device that supports SNMP. A network device can be a network card in a server; a program or service running on a server; or a network device such as a hub, switch, or router. The SNMP standard defines a two-tiered approach to network device
management: a central management system and the management information base (MIB) located on the managed device. The management system can monitor one or many MIBs, allowing for centralized management of a network. From a management system, you can see valuable performance and network device operation statistics, enabling you to diagnose network health without leaving your office. The goal of a management system is to provide centralized network
management. Any computer running SNMP management software is referred to as a management system. For a management system to be able to perform centralized network management, it must be able to collect and analyze many things, including the following:
The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is an Internet-standard that provides a simple method for remotely managing virtually any network device that supports SNMP. A network device can be a network card in a server; a program or service running on a server; or a network device such as a hub, switch, or router. The SNMP standard defines a two-tiered approach to network device
management: a central management system and the management information base (MIB) located on the managed device. The management system can monitor one or many MIBs, allowing for centralized management of a network. From a management system, you can see valuable performance and network device operation statistics, enabling you to diagnose network health without leaving your office. The goal of a management system is to provide centralized network
management. Any computer running SNMP management software is referred to as a management system. For a management system to be able to perform centralized network management, it must be able to collect and analyze many things, including the following:
- Network protocol identification and statistics
- Dynamic identification of computers attached to the network (referred to as
- discovery)
- Hardware and software configuration data
- Computer performance and usage statistics
- Computer event and error messages
- Program and application usage statistics
Reviewed by 0x000216
Monday, April 24, 2017
Rating: 5
SNMP - gerenciamento remoto
Vários switches estão sendo configurados por um técnico de rede para que eles possam ser gerenciados remotamente. Que elemento de comutação deve ser configurado para suportar conexões SSH para cada dispositivo, bem como para recuperar vários parâmetros?
IP e SNMP - Para se conectar a qualquer coisa em uma rede Ethernet, ambos os dispositivos precisam de endereços IP. O SNMP permite, entre outras coisas, a capacidade de gerenciar remotamente dispositivos habilitados para SNMP.
Ports Recommended for Blocking in a Home Network Firewall
Portas recomendadas para bloqueio em um firewall da rede doméstica
A injeção de informações de publicidade de rota falsa no banco de dados de roteamento distribuído pelo BGP por fontes ou roteadores mal-intencionados pode interromper as operações de backbone da Internet. O acesso não autorizado para injeção falsa pode ser obtido quando as senhas padrão e as cadeias de comunidade, que controlam o acesso aos serviços SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), estão comprometidas. A engenharia social ou a exploração de falhas de software também podem levar a um acesso não autorizado. O seqüestro de sessão envolve um invasor com êxito mascarado como um dos pares em uma sessão BGP, a fim de injetar rotas falsas. Uma rota falsa provoca o redirecionamento de pacotes para fins de blackholing, atrasos, looping, particionamento de rede, espionagem ou análise de tráfego. Blackhole route é uma rota de rede, ou seja, entrada de tabela de roteamento, que não vai a lugar nenhum e pacotes que correspondem ao prefixo de rota são ignorados ou ignorados. As rotas de buraco negro só podem ser detectadas monitorando o tráfego perdido.
SNMP - gerenciamento remoto
Reviewed by 0x000216
Monday, February 27, 2017
Rating: 5
SNMPCheck - Enumerate the SNMP devices
snmpcheck supports the following enumerations:
- contact
- description
- detect write access (separate action by enumeration)
- devices
- domain
- hardware and storage informations
- hostname
- IIS statistics
- IP forwarding
- listening UDP ports
- location
- motd
- mountpoints
- network interfaces
- network services
- processes
- routing information
- software components
- system uptime
- TCP connections
- total memory
- uptime
- user accounts
SNMPCheck - Enumerate the SNMP devices
Reviewed by 0x000216
Tuesday, April 01, 2014
Rating: 5