Grok-backdoor - Backdoor With Ngrok Tunnel Support

Advanced Web Shell - DAws

Python Client with PHP Shell - tinyshell

An interactive reference tool to help security professionals utilize useful payloads and commands - Brosec

A tool to find and exploit servers vulnerable to Shellshock - Shocker

Metasploit Shellcode Generator / Compiler / Listenner - Venom

Perl Brik Platform - Metabrik

KeyBox - A web-based SSH console that centrally manages administrative access to systems

Décryptage d’une commande “compliquée” sous Linux

DAws - Advanced Web Shell (Windows/Linux)

Antak WebShell - A webshell which utilizes PowerShell

PyHttpShell - Python HTTP Shell

[XSS Shell] XSS Backdoor and Zombie Manager

[TinySHell] Ported to SCTP

[Hidden CMD Detector] Discover Hidden Command prompts

[ShellSave v1.0] Manten todas tus Shells ordenadas y en un sólo lugar

[Hackersh] Free shell (command interpreter) written in Python

[Weevely] PHP Stealth Tiny Web Shell