SmartSniff v2.16 - Capture TCP/IP packets on your network adapter

Password Sniffer Console - Command-line Tool to Sniff and Capture HTTP/FTP/POP3/SMTP/IMAP Passwords

Hyperfox - HTTP and HTTPs Traffic Interceptor

SniffPass - Password Monitoring/Sniffing Software (Web/FTP/Email)

USBPcap - USB Packet capture for Windows (open-source USB Sniffer for Windows)

PuttyRider - Hijack Putty sessions in order to sniff conversation and inject Linux commands

Wireshark v1.10.8 - The world’s foremost network protocol analyzer

WebSiteSniffer v1.41 - Captures all Web site files downloaded by your Web browser while browsing the Internet

WebCookiesSniffer - Capture Web site cookies

HTTPNetworkSniffer - Http Sniffer Utility

WebSiteSniffer - captures all Web site files downloaded by your Web browser while browsing the Internet

Wireshark v1.11.3 - The world’s foremost network protocol analyzer

DNSQuerySniffer - DNS Queries Sniffer

[tcpxtract] Tool for Extracting Files from Network Traffic

[Intercepter-ng] Sniffer de Red con SSLstrip para Android

[Wireshark v1.10.0 RC2] The world’s foremost network protocol analyzer

[Wireshark v1.8.7] The world’s foremost network protocol analyzer

[Wireshark v1.10.0 RC1] The world’s foremost network protocol analyzer

[DroidSheep] Aplicación de Android para hackear contraseñas en red WIFI

Wireshark corrige 11 vulnerabilidades