#TechViews 64% of enterprises plan to deploy Big Data, Europe’s love-hate relationship with cloud and more! http://t.co/pdBW6FHeIA

RT @Check out the new Software Research apps to see Cisco suggested software for a growing list of supported products. http://t.co/LJH8piylZ3

RT @Presentation by Amit Jasuja at the CSO Summit at #OOW13 , here is a short synopsis of the presentations and slides http://t.co/qC5f7YFMZt

RT @Identity of Things presentation from Oracle Open World http://t.co/LMP77DJdke http://t.co/lFESCWmHuE

RT @pbouillaud: How to Get Involved During Cybersecurity Awareness Month - http://t.co/6BfR3iQxq5 via @ibmsecurity

RT @ThreatFeed Vuln: Python SSL Module CVE-2013-4238 Security Bypass Vulnerability http://t.co/mL4evqttMv #bugtraq

RT @ThreatFeed Vuln: systemd Race Condition Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability http://t.co/YPwPY44IG2 #bugtraq

RT @ThreatFeed Vuln: libgcrypt RSA Secret Keys Information Disclosure Vulnerability http://t.co/xefg2DCtkl #bugtraq

RT @What Drives People to Maintain Information Security - http://t.co/0wNejFf3gB @AntonioMaio2 takes a look

RT @RT @paulfroberts: More #TalkingCode: Should Software Be Treated Like Food Safety? Discuss. http://t.co/Fgw72PqL8T #appsec @Veracode @WeldPo…

RT @@fett527 if they are still working I think they will be busier than normal.

How is #PPM like a genie in a bottle? @mcauwels explains in latest blog, http://t.co/0IpCJSgcts @CAClarity

Internet Explorer leads overall but tech-savvy users prefer Chrome http://t.co/Wy7gkP3HPU

Day 1 of U.S. gov't shutdown: http://t.co/oUj0uLY3ri ailing, NASA grounded http://t.co/CV6432IF9p

Internet Explorer leads surveys but tech-savvy users prefer Chrome http://t.co/NphZfOYc5Z

RT @CyberCrimeNews Cyber War Tracking of Hackers Requires Diverse Approach: FireEye http://t.co/rs7l3u8qYG #ccureit

RT @@fett527 infosec doesn't patch

RT @ThreatFeed SophosLabs prepares for great showing at Virus Bulletin 2013 http://t.co/phjx9DblNy #sophoslabs

RT @RT @ShaunLDonaldson: My thoughts on how SMB is driving Enterprise. http://t.co/sbGl3pzD5C

Exploits, more details for unpatched IE vulnerability http://t.co/kHDUxRZdEJ