IronWASP 2014 - One of the world's best web security scannners
Find security issues on your website automatically using IronWASP, one of the world's best web security scannners.
Here's what is new:
1) Login recording
Now you can easily just record a login sequence and use it in vulnerability scans and other automated tests. See video tutorial.
2) Automatically testing for CSRF, Broken Authentication, Privilege Escalation and Hidden Parameters
Now IronWASP has a new section called Interactive Testing tools that let you automatically discover vulnerabilities that could only be discovered by manual testing.
See video tutorials for CSRF Tester, Broken Authentication Tester, Hidden Parameter Tester and Privilege Escalation Tester
3) Browser pre-configured for Manual Crawling
The most common problem with intercepting proxies is that you have to change your browser's proxy settings and import the tool's certificate as a trusted CA for SSL traffic. Even after doing this there is change that traffic from your regular browsing will get mixed with your test traffic. IronWASP solves all of these problems, it comes with a browser pre-configured to use IronWASP as proxy, it handles SSL certificate errors automatically (no need to import as CA) and since this is a separate browser it does not affect the regular browsing that you are doing in your other browser. See video.
4) DOM XSS Analyzer
If you understand what DOM XSS sources and sinks are and have the ability to understand and analyse JavaScript code then you will find this new utility really useful. It makes the process of discovering DOM XSS really easy for manual testers. See video tutorial.
5) XmlChor - XPATH Injection Exploitation tool
This version comes with a new Module called XmlChor written by Harshal Jamdade. This module can be used to automatically exploit XPATH Injection vulnerabilities and extract the backend XML file from the server. See video tutorial.
6) WiHawk - WiFi Router Vulnerability Scanner
There version has one more awesome module called WiHawk written by Anamika Singh. This module can be used to scan a range of IP addresses for WiFi routers that have default password and authentication bypass vulnerabilities. It also supports Shodan API to scan large number of devices on the internet. See video tutorial.
IronWASP 2014 - One of the world's best web security scannners
Reviewed by 0x000216
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Rating: 5