Don't forget...

Tomorrow (Monday 27 Feb) Christopher Wadlow is coming to QMIPRI to talk about the harmonisation of European unfair competition law. Take your places by 5.30pm. For more information, direct your carrier pigeon towards Ilanah.

Budweiser case - now in English

The European Court of Human Rights has (finally) made its Budweiser decision available in English - thanks to Veronica Baressi for tipping the IPKat off. As the IPKat previously reported, registered trade marks are counted as 'possessions' protected under Art.1 of Protocol 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights but applications for trade marks since, although they may have financial implications for the applicants, they do not give rise to a 'legitimate expectation' of registration and may be opposed by third parties.
The slight twist is that no 'possession' comes into being where the sytem allows opponents a fixed period to oppose the registration after the mark is registered, as appears to be the case in Portugal, until after that fixed period has expired.