unsolvable sudoku

for you sudoku fans out there, this puzzle can't be solved without using 'Ariadne's Thread' - which basically means that you have to guess at some point. it can be done, but not with pure 'logic.' with the "Allow guess-and-check" option enabled, the sudoku solver will find the solution.

frankly, I was disappointed to find that I had to guess. in my opinion, the sudoku creation people shouldn't use puzzles that require guessing.

_ 5 _ _ 2 _ 8 _ 6
_ _ _ _ _ 6 _ _ 3
_ 6 _ _ 1 3 2 _ _

_ 7 _ _ _ _ 9 6 _
4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1
_ 1 6 _ _ _ _ 3 _

_ _ 7 2 3 _ _ 8 _
6 _ _ 7 _ _ _ _ _
2 _ 4 _ 9 _ _ 7 _

if you don't believe me, try running it through the sudoku solver.

note: here's the string for the solver (make it all one line):

update: a generous modder has provided the solution for anyone who wants it. those 133t modders just love to teach :P