Hugh's news

The IPKat is delighted to announce that Sir Hugh Laddie, formerly the senior judge of the Patents Court and co-author of a seminal tome on copyright law, has been appointed to a newly created Chair in Intellectual Property Law in the UCL Faculty of Laws, where he will spearhead the development of intellectual property law courses.

Taking up his position this September, Sir Hugh is a big piece in the jigsaw of UCL’s strategy of expanding its activity in the field of intellectual property law, following the appointment earlier this year of rising star Lior Zemer (currently at the University of Leicester) as a specialist intellectual property law lecturer. The college also enjoys the support of IPKat co-bloggie Jeremy, who has been a Visiting Professor there for some years.

The IPKat wishes Sir Hugh every good fortune in his new position and looks forward to enjoying his academic contributions to the subject he has helped to create through his years at the Bar and on the Bench.