Patent World

The June 2006 issue of Patent World, published ten times a year by Informa, has materialised a couple of days early. The IPKat liked the feature on the limits to rubber-stamping patent dispute settlement agreements by the Addleshaw Goddard triumvirate of Brian Whitehead, Stuart Jackson and Richard Kempner - the takeaway message is that you can't "settle" a dispute on terms that resurrect a patent that the trial court has invalidated (but does it really take three men to write fewer than two pages of prose, asks Merpel).

There's also a neat piece by CPA's Aileen Buchanan, rebranding "patent trolls" as "non-patenting entities" (or NPEs) and looking at patent policy in the light of the recent eBay/Mercexchange ruling (noted here by the IPKat).

Desperately seeking ...

IPKat co-blogmeister Jeremy has mislaid his copies of issues 6 and 7 of Intellectual Asset Management and 176 of Trademark World (April 2005). Does anyone one have a spare copy they don't mind parting with? If so, please let Jeremy know here.