OHIM Second Board allows registration of EEC

The IPKat is still recovering from the shock of reading a recent OHIM Board of Appeal decision did not bar the term EEC – European Electronic Confidence from being registered as a mark for goods and services in Classes 9, 35, 36, 38 and 41. The decision is only available in French, but the IPKat has pieced it together with the help of Babelfish.

The IPKat couldn't believe his eyes

The examiner turned the mark down as it conflicted with Art 6ter of the Paris Convention but the Board has annulled her decision and has remitted the case for re-examination. The Board felt that the presence of the term European Electronic Confidence would remove any possibility of confusion with the EEC as we know it. Moreover, consumers would know the EEC’s role in telecoms and the other services applied for was legislative, rather than offering such services.

Merpel says that this just goes to show that he who dares, wins (sometimes).

OHIM backs Anheuser Busch

An OHIM Board of Appeal has recognised Anheuser-Busch’s right to register BUD as a CTM according to The full text of the decision isn’t available on the OHIM website but an excerpt provided by Anheuser Busch suggests that the key factor was that BUD wouldn’t be perceived as a geographical indicator.

The IPKat awaits the inevitable appeal…