Case Issues

Sitting in my own little microcosm, my own little piece of the world, I tend to wonder sometimes if folks run into the same issues I do during a case, and if so, what they do about it...or, if not, what issues they do run into. I know lots of folks, in particular LEOs, don't usually discuss their cases, for fear of revealing too much information about the case...but for those willing to share bits and pieces of problems and solutions, I think that we could all benefit.

So, what are the issues you run into during live response (if you do live response)? Is it being surprised and unprepared? Is it not having the tools you need, either for collecting or analyzing evidence?

How about post-mortem investigations? What issues do you run into with regards to Windows systems?

One of the biggest things is that each case is different somehow...but I can guarantee you that somewhere, someone else has run into the same issues, and possibly come up with a solution.

As always, questions, comments, and concerns are welcome...