The IPKat thanks his friend Jim Davies for drawing his attention to the report in The Register of the abandonment by Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou of his action against Karl Kahn. The dispute arose after Stelios claimed that Kahn's EasyPizza.co.uk domain infringed the rights of EasyGroup (including EasyJet and other "easy" enterprises, including EasyPizza.com) in the prefix "easy".
The IPKat believes that many other actions brought by the easyGroup against users of the "easy" prefix are still extant. Merpel says, I wonder how long it will take for the word "easy" to gain such a large degree of secondary meaning through use by easyGroup companies that it won't even mean "the opposite of hard" any more.
Make an easy pizza here
Make a difficult pizza here
What Karl Kahn's solicitors said about the settlement here
Instructions for use
Did you know - footballers have to be taught how to wear their shirts properly when they score their goals. Otherwise brand-conscious sponsors get upset. The picture below came via the IPKat's Polish friend Tomasz Rychlicki, who has far better things to do than watch the football.
This picture originates from Arne Völker, whose weblog i.ch-b.in - Jedes T-Shirt hat seine Geschichte, here, hosts it. Thanks, Arne, and good luck!