FSPC and FRUC posted

I've finally uploaded the FRUC v 1.2 (client component of the Forensic Server Project) and the FSPC 1.0c (server component of the Forensic Server Project) to my SourceForge site. These are vastly updated versions over what was included on the CD that accompanied my book.

Now, I'd like to take a moment to explain their use...

FSPC is the server component, which resides on your forensic workstation. This system will be where all of the data you collect is stored and managed, and then eventually analyzed. Getting started, type "fspc" or "fspc -h" at the command prompt and you'll see:

FSPC [-d case dir] [-n case name] [-p port] [-i investigator]
[-l logfile] [-c] [-v] [-h]
Forensic Server Project (CLI) v.1.0c, server component of the
Forensics Server Project

-d case dir....Case directory (default: cases)
-n case name...Name of the current case
-i invest......Investigator's name
-p port........Port to listen on (default: 7070)
-l logfile.....Case logfile (default: case.log)
-v.............Verbose output (more info, good for monitoring
-c.............Close FSP after CLOSELOG command sent (best used
when collecting data from only one system)
-h.............Help (print this information)

Ex: C:\>fspc -d cases -n testcase -i "H. Carvey"
C:\>fspc -n newcase -p 80

copyright 2006 H. Carvey

Most of what you see listed has default settings, as detailed in the syntax shown above. The easiest way to run the FSPC is using the first example. To see more information at the command prompt, add the "-v" switch.

The "-d", "-n", and "-i" switches are used primarily for case management. The "-d" switch is a subdirectory beneath the directory the FSPC resides in, and is the main holding area for information collected from systems. The "-n" switch is the name of an additional subdirectory where the case-specific files are kept. The "-i" switch is the name of the investigator (if spaces are included in the name, such as "keydet 89", then the name needs to be quotes) which is added to the case log file (denoted by the "-l" switch).

Finally, the "-p" switch tells the FSPC which port to listen on...the default is 7070.

FRUC is the client component, used to collect data from "victim" system. Download the zipped archive, and extract all of the files (2 EXE files and several DLLs) into a directory, add your third party tools, update your INI file (the default is "fruc.ini") appropriately, and then burn everything to a CD (or copy it to a thumb drive). Then you're ready.

Launch the FRUC with the "-h" switch and you'll see...

FRUC v 1.2 [-s server IP] [-p port] [-f ini file] [-h]
First Responder Utility (CLI) v.1.2, data collection utility
of the Forensics Server Project

-s system......IP address of Forensics Server
-p port........Port to connect to on the Forensics Server
-f file........Ini file to use (use other options to
override ini file configuration settings)
-v.............Verbose output (more info, good for monitoring
-h.............Help (print this information)

Ex: C:\>fruc -s -p -f

copyright 2004-2006 H. Carvey

As you can see from the syntax information, using FRUC is pretty simple. Many of the settings are set as defaults in the INI file (or can be), but those settings can also be overridden by the switches. For example, in the example INI file that ships with the archive, the default server IP address is set (as is the default port), but that can be overridden, as demonstrated by the example command line.

Okay...so here's what happens. FRUC is almost completely automated, minimizing the interaction that the first responder has with the program and the system. Besides efficiency and speed, FRUC also provides a modicum of validation, as commands do not have to be repetitively typed...if you're like me, this can lead to mistakes, forgotten commands, etc. So, basically, FRUC contacts the FSPC with a verb, telling the server what to expect. It then sends the output of the commands that are run to the server, where they are written to the server, hashed, and logged. Yes, the whole thing includes logging! And with timestamps!

The INI file for the FRUC has three main sections; external commands you want to run, specific Registry values you're interested in, and Registry keys that you just want to dump the values from. All this information is collected and shipped off to the FSPC over a socket, without writing to the local hard drive.

Each of these tools is provided as Perl source code, as well as a Windows compiled EXE. This is intended to make the FSP more accessible. Now, some folks have expressed concern about the use of Perl2Exe to "compile" tools such as this for use in an incident response (and potentially computer forensics) environment. If no switches or the "-small" switch are used when compiling the tools, additional modules are included in the resulting EXE and must be extracted to a temp directory before being used. Once your program has completed, the modules/DLLs are then deleted. This activity can be seen using tools like FileMon.

When I compiled FRUC, I used the "-tiny" switch, so that all required modules are "compiled" into DLLs that are separate from the main EXE. I've run FileMon in a few simple tests and found no Writes or Deletes. This help supports the tenet of computer forensics to minimize the impact on the "victim" system. However, I encourage you to run your own validation tests.

Please keep in mind, though, while doing your testing and using the tools in a live response situation, as well, that changes will be made to the system. These changes occur due to how the system and the shell react to programs being run; entries are added to several Registry keys (ie, UserAssist keys in particular), as well as files being added to the Prefetch directory on XP.

Another option is to not compile the tools at all, but instead install Perl on your system with all of the necessary modules, add the scripts, and then copy the entire installation to a CD. I outlined how to do this in my book. Again, though, I wanted to make this framework accessible.

Finally, in the spirit of "we eat our own dog food", I've used these tools (the FRUC is actually an updated version) myself and been very happy with the results. I do need to add an analysis suite, and that's something I'll be working on. Along with that, I'd like to post a more detailed user guide, as well as validation tests and results.

Your comments, questions, input and suggestions are always welcome.