The IPKat has been following with keen interest the activities of the recently-formed group of sole and small intellectual property practitioners. He notes with pleasure that, thanks to the good offices of Philip Cooper (Crossguard), they have set up a forum on which they can network, at (informally, the Independent Intellectual Property Network). The network has been configured so that anyone can join as a member. Once you've joined, the system will send you a validation email with a link to click on - which you need to do before you can post on the forum. Philip warns that you may need to wait a little while for this to happen.
Right: small practices have a lot to offer each other - and their clients
If any member posts anything, the system will automatically email him or her with any subsequent posts in the same thread, but it will be necessary to log on from time to time, e.g. once a day, to check for any new posts – you can click on ‘view posts since last visit’ in the top right hand corner of the forums page to get only new posts since you last visited.
No, not "I am" but "IAM" - issue 18, the July/August issue of Intellectual Asset Management, published bimonthly by Globe White Page, which has now hit the streets. Its cover story, "Time to Break Free", asks why the world needs a new type of IP manager (Merpel notes - if the cover illustration is anything to go by, he is male and wears a white shirt: not much change there ...).
More seriously, there is a good piece on prospecting for the IP assets of bankrupt businesses, an almost upbeat feature on the recent none-too-successful San Francisco patent auction and some portentious warnings about a pear-shaped future for Amgen if its NF-kB protein patent (portrayed in symbolic form, right) withers on the vine of US patent litigation.
Free inspection copy of IAM here