New Forensics Book

I've found a publisher who wants to publish my second book. I've got a contract on my desk
right now. Our goal is to have this book on the shelves in late spring 2007.

This book will cover a variety of topics specific to information collection and analysis under live response and post-mortem conditions,
specifically for Windows systems. However, with the tools and techniques presented in this book, the analyst will
not be restricted solely to Windows as the analysis platform (many of the tools I created for this book
have been successfully testing on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS/X platforms).

This book will not cover topics that are not specific to Windows, such as imaging procedures, etc.

I've included a brief, conceptual outline below. My goal is to make this a valuable resource, full of
explanations, examples, and exercises. This will include sample memory captures, and links to images.
Some have suggested including sample system images on DVDs with the book, but in order to do so, I'd have to
include several DVDs. Talking with the publisher, most publishing systems are set up to press a single CD or
DVD for inclusion with the book...including additional media will drive the price of the book out of the range
of the intended audience.

I'd appreciate your input/comments on this, as well.

Some of the comments I've received from other sources include:

- Cover mobile devices: I'd love to...but I'm a one-man shop. I can't afford to purchase
mobile devices just for testing, nor can I afford the software to image such devices.

- Steganography: while not specific to Windows, it is definitely worth mentioning...but I'd
like to get some input from folks as to what needs to be addressed/discussed.

Chapter 1 – Introduction
- Purpose of the book, intended audience, what the book does/does not address

*Live Response section
Chapter 2 – Collecting Volatile Data
- Address live response, volatile data collection (ie, what to collect, how to collect it)

Chapter 3 – Analyzing Volatile Data
- How to understand what you've collected; data reduction/correlation techniques for volatile data

Chapter 4 – Windows Memory Analysis
- Description of \\.\PhysicalMemory, how to dump it, how to parse\analyze it.

*Post-Mortem section
Chapter 5 – Registry Analysis
- An explanation/description of the Windows Registry, how to locate information, etc. This chapter will
have many subsections covering specific areas, such as USB removable storage devices, etc.

Chapter 6 – Log/File Analysis
- Covers descriptions of files maintained by Windows for logging, etc. Covers several directories, explaining why/how they're used.

Chapter 7 – Malware analysis for Administrators
- PE file analysis for Administrators/investigators. This is not a debugger/disassembler training guide.

Chapter 8 – Rootkits and rootkit detection
- Descriptions of rootkits, detection techniques, etc.