Forensics Magazine

A bit ago, I blogged about cool technical e-zines that are available. Since then, CheckMate really seems to have come along, and I've also found some well-written content in the CodeBreakers Journal (be sure to check out the Magazine, as well).

While most of these e-zines are technical in nature, there don't seem to be many specific to forensic analysis. My first question there any interest in such a thing? My thoughts are that such an e-zine would cover more than just forensic analysis of Windows systems, and would include topics in live response, legal issues, as well as (potentially) case studies, how-tos, etc.

Now, I know that there are several journals out there now, such as the DIJ and the IJDE, but I'm thinking of something a little more practical, down-and-dirty (though the article on iPod forensics from the IJDE is a lot like what I'm thinking of). If you're not familiar with it, check out SysAdmin Magazine. I like the format of this magazine because a lot of times, the articles don't simply refer to something being done...they actually provide the tools (be it a link to an executable, a shell script, etc.) to accomplish the task, and enough explanation for the reader to customize the script/process. there interest? If so, what would you like to see in such an e-zine? Or do you think that there's already enough magazines, journals and e-zines out there, and the last thing you want to see is another one?