Latest Trademark World

The July/August 2006 issue of Informa's 10-times a year Trademark World is a real scorcher. The cover story tells us that, if we want to improve our enforcement skills, we must first think like an infringer (this comes from Raymond Castello of IP heavy-hitters Fish & Richardson). There's also a neat note from Paul Joseph (Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer) on the Advocate General's Opinion in the ECJ's Adam Opel case - another of those delicious instances in which a totally simple dispute appears quite incapable of sensible analysis following several years of (mis)development of clear and simple trade mark rules by an over-conceptualising court (see IPKat comment here). And don't forget the fun piece on registration of offensive marks in South Africa by Wim Alberts (Bowman Gilfillan: "Well groomed minds, elegant solutions"). Merpel says, you can be sure that the article on offensive marks is always the one that gets read first ...

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