Computer Law Conference

The IPKat's friend and hero Andres Guadamuz (the TechnoLlama) has drawn his attention to the Sixth Computer Law World Conference, Edinburgh, 6-8 September 2006. There's a great programme, a great bunch of speakers and a great chance to wear your winter woollies for the first time in months, since it can get pretty cold at night in that beautiful city.

Right: can you guess the connection between this illustration and computers? (answer below)

Programme here; register here; Scottish woolly jumpers here -- and you'll need them unless you look like Andres here.

Answer to the question above: it's a Macintosh tartan


The IPKat is indebted to James Gray (Withers & Rogers) for drawing his attention to this link, which shows just how much Google is suffering for its popularity.

For those too lazy to follow the link, search engine Google has instructed its lawyers to chase publishers who use 'to google' and other generic uses of the G-word - even though it is now in Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary. Cease and desist letters are being sent to media, aking them not to allow the use of Googling and apparently making helpful suggestions as to what else they might use instead.

Wikipedia on "to google" here
Other G-things here: 'G' Men, Gmail, G force, G-string, G-wizz [IPKat health warning: not for people who are allergic to train-spotting].