New corporate structure for CPA

On Wednesday IP support services provider Computer Patent Annuities Limited (CPA) announced that, after 37 years in business, it had opted for a new corporate structure. First formed in 1969, CPA traded as a partnership under the ownership of over 300 patent and trade mark attorneys based in the UK, New Zealand and Australia. But since the beginning of this month CPA has become an incorporated company. The IPKat will watch carefully to see what difference this makes ...

Deferral of Call

The Bar Standards Board (England and Wales) has initiated a consultation over Deferral of Call. This is a euphemism for the rule that no-one could acquire the title "barrister" - even after passing the relevant examinations - until he or she had done a pupillage (a form of apprenticeship). A lot of prospective barristers will be affected by this, since the number of successful candidates greatly exceeds the pupillages available (around 70% are disappointed).

The policy of Deferral of Call dates back to the 1960s, but has not yet been implemented. However, it now now under review and is unlikely to be implemented before 2009. Former Patents Court judge and IP specialist Lord Justice Jacob has urged anyone interested to participate in the consultation, whatever their views, so that the final decision on Deferral of Call is more likely to be an informed one.

Responses should be posted to the Bar Standards Board, 289-293 High Holborn, London WC1V 7HZ, or by email, to Jennifer Sauboorah. Don't forget the deadline: 14 November 2006.