Friday reminders ...

IP Litigation conference. If you haven't yet booked to attend IP Enforcement and Remedies: An international perspective on enforcement of rights and injunctive relief, a one-day conference run by LexisNexis Butterworths and held in Central London, it's time to get a move-on. Although the conference doesn't take place till 31 October, you can save £50 by booking on or before 22 August. Full programme and registration details available here.

Right: IP enforcers, ever watchful for infringers

Tomasz Rychlicki. If you were on holiday and missed last week's post, the IPKat reminds you that his friend Tomasz Rychlicki is looking for some good IP experience in London over the coming year. Click here for details.

IPKat email circular. To receive your IPKat postings by email, just email the IPKat here and he'll add you to the list. For the record, most weeks the IPKat and Merpel post between around 15 and 30 items. These include comments on recent cases and legal developments, commercial and cultural news, information on books, journals and conferences, plus some stuff that defies categorisation.

Latest IPQ

Issue 3 for 2006 of the learned Intellectual Property Quarterly, published by Sweet & Maxwell, has just reached the IPKat. This issue features some series stuff. Among other things, there's a scintillating piece on the curious UK litigation over the legal status of MELTON MOWBRAY PORK PIE as a protected geographical indication for pork pies coming from various places other than Melton Mowbray. There's also some mind-stretching speculation by the University of Edinburgh's Charlotte Waelde on geospatial data and database protection.