Whose card?

The IPKat learns from MSN that American Express is on the receiving end of legal action thanks to its use of the (frankly annoying) ‘My life. My card’ slogan. Graphic designer and advertising art director Thomas O’Keefe claims that he has been using the trade mark "My card, my work" since 2003 and used it on his website to showcase his work. He also alleges that he sent his portfolio, resplendent with the tagline, to AmEx’s advertising agents seeking work.

The IPKat finds the idea of anyone getting trade mark rights in a phrase as banal as ‘My card’ repugnant.

New issue of Script-ed online

The latest issue of Script-ed, the University of Edinburgh’s online journal of all things law and techie is online. Coming to a computer screen near you are

*From child porn to China, in one Cleanfeed: Lilian Edwards.

Peer-reviewed articles
*Affidavit Evidence and Electronically Generated Materials in Nigerian Courts: Andrew I. Chukwuemerie.
*Parasiteware - Unlocking Personal Privacy: Daniel B. Garrie and Rebecca Wong.
*Regulating the Digital Television Infrastructure in the EU. Room for Citizenship Interests? Eliza Varney.

*Markets in Tradition – Traditional Agricultural Communities in Italy and the Impact of GMOs: Johanna Gibson.

Book reviews!