Chavrolet driven off the road

The IPKat is endebted to his friend Lawrence Ryz for a link to this delicious item on the BBC website. It recounts the sad tale of a tuk-tuk, or motorised rickshaw, that has been forced off the streets of Brighton and Hove. This tuk-tuk, nicknamed the Chavrolet, was one of 12 designer tuk-tuks launched by TucTuc Limited in July as a new taxi service. Fashion house Burburry was not amused:
"The pattern wasn't exactly the same as Burberry's, but the company felt that it was too close to its own design, and considered it an infringement of copyright"
a spokeswoman said.

The Burberry check has been worn as a badge of identity British chavs - a species of humanity which typically dresses in tracksuit trousers, hooded tops and checked baseball caps, garnished with with gold jewellery and body piercings.

Latest issue of JIPLP

The September 2006 issue of the Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, published monthly by Oxford University Press, is full of exciting features. Martin Schlötelburg (OHIM) looks at the way Community design protection can spread to cover what are apparently technical products; Ben Allgrove (Baker & McKenzie) pinpoints the damage that regulation of a product can inflict upon the value of the branding attached to it, while Margaret A. Esquenet (Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner) tackles transformative use of the Grateful Dead's thumbnails - or something like that!

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