Limerick winner
The IPKat received some excellent entries to his limerick competition. The following are highly commended:
There once was a lover of fashion
For whom socks were a burning passion.
So during the War
He would buy more and more
Until he'd exhausted his ration.(Richard Gallafent - though a very similar entry was received from Jonathan Thurgood of Carpmaels)
Well done, too, for this Germanic offering from Philipp von Kapff (OHIM), which develops the limerick to a new level:There once was a lover of fashion
For whom socks were a burning passion. ..
When worn for a while
They acquired trade mark style
So he's got a brand reputation.(Gillian Black, University of Edinburgh)
There once was a lover of fashionNo entry was more magnificently tortuous than this one from David Stone (Howrey):
For whom socks were a burning passion.
Die Socken trug er wie
Ein Storch weit uber das Knie
Es quakten die Frosch in den Taschen
(Des alten Lovers of fashion).
There once was a lover of fashionBut the winner is Dan McCormack, Collyer Bristow, whose effort reads like this:
For whom socks were a burning passion.
A red-green dystopia,
Caused by deuteranopia,
He'd traipse around town, feet mis-matchin'.
There once was a lover of fashionWell done, Dan (and indeed all the other entrants). Your prize is complimentary entry to next Wednesday's CLT conference on Intellectual Property in the Fashion Industry. The IPKat looks forward to seeing you there.
For whom socks were a burning passion.
He invariably sought
To wear smart pairs to Court
To incite some judicial compassion.