Right: The Representative of the People on Duty (Jacques-Louis David, 1794)
The IPKat is pleased to tell you that the UK Patent Office is conducting a consultation exercise in relation to the implementation of Article 4 of the IP Enforcement Directive 2004/48 that relate to the bringing of representative actions on behalf of classes of IP owners. This initiative, Representative Actions for the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights, needs your response by 18 December 2006. Why is this happening now? The answer is that provisional proposals were offered for inclusion in the implementing regulations, but they were omitted from the final version once it became apparent that they were not an adequate solution for representative actions and that the Directive did not require the making of specific provisions. However, the Patent Office has decided that a further formal consultation was needed to consider this issue in detail.
Consultative paper here
Response form here
Test yourself to find out how few clicks you need to get from the Patent Office's home page here to a copy of the Intellectual Property (Enforcement, etc.) Regulations 2006 (2006 No.1028).

The Court of First Instance of the European Communities threw up two significant cases yesterday. They are
* Case T‑172/04, Telefónica v OHIM, David Branch. Since it's not in English, the IPKat is a little disadvantaged, but it looks to him as though Telefónica applied to register the sign represented here (above, right) as a Community trade mark for goods and services in classes 9, 38 and 42 and that Mr Branch opposed, citing the earlier CTM registration of the word mark EMERGEA for goods and services in classes 28, 36 and 38. The IPKat thinks that the opposition succeeded in part and that Telefónica's appeal failed. If there's anyone out there who can add to this, the IPKat will be delighted.

GSK appealed, arguing that it was actually the varying national prices of pharmaceuticals that created market distortions, not their dual pricing policy, and that its price differentials did not affect competition but just counterbalanced the distortion of competition caused by the low prices set by the Spanish authorities. In yesterday's ruling the CFI has not actually conferred its blessing on GSK's pricing scheme but annulled the Commission's decision on the basis that it had failed to consider properly whether that scheme, which was prima facie a distortion of competitiom, was nonetheless permitted under Article 81(3) of the EC Treaty.
Merpel notes that medicines marketed in Spain but sold elsewhere are medicines that aren't getting to Spanish consumers and wonders whether the pricing of medicines is altogether too important an issue to leave to the market.