Thursday Malta bulletin

Here are some more reflections from IPKat co-blogmeister Jeremy from this week's MARQUES conference in Malta:
* This afternoon was dedicated to workshops, of which the IPKat attended two. The first, on ingredient marketing, was conducted by Ralph Thomas of branded additive manufacturer DSM ('ingredient branding' is the technique employed by businesses such as Intel, Gore-tex and Lycra in giving a high consumer profile to their products, which are not sold directly to consumers but are incorporated as ingredients of other manufacturers' products). The workshop participants were divided into groups representing the interests of ingredient suppliers, product manufacturers, retailers and consumers and were forced to articulate the advantages conferred on each group by ingredient branding. Needless to say, the disadvanges cropped up too.

* Geographical indications were the subject of the second workshop topic the IPKat attended. The range of options for a geographical term were illustrated by Andre Pohlmann (Lovells, Alicante) who showed how, depending on the jurisdiction, PILSEN could be a geographical indication, a trade mark or a generic term. As might have been predicted, fault lines between developed and developing countries and between the US and Europe soon determined the direction taken by discussions.

* Among the materials handed out to participants this year was a copy of a magazine, The World Intellectual Property Review 2006, published out of England by Newton Media. The IPKat knows little about this publication, which seems a little mysterious. No indication is given in the review itself as to its date of publication, frequency of publication or subscription details, but the publishers have gone so far as to acquire an ISSN (International Standard Serial Number), 1748-7528, which suggests that it is meant to come out regularly. The editor is Neil Hodge and the editorial board consists (in alphabetical order) of Morag Macdonald (Bird & Bird), Mark Hodgson (Taylor Wessing), Jacqueline Needle (Beck Greener), Roisin McNally (Murgatroyd & Company), William Rooklidge (Howrey) and Luis-Alfonso Durán (Durán-Corretjer). The IPKat is a little puzzled. He's sure that there used to be another journal called The World Intellectual Property Review, which was published in Geneva. Can any reader please enlighten him?