Happy birthday® to you

The IPKat's Polish cousin, blogger, lawyer and web-artist Tomasz Rychlicki has drawn his attention to the announcement of a winner in the European Commmission's "Design a 50th Birthday Logo" competition. The winning device is depicted above; the runner-up is on the left and the third placed entry is below, right. This weblog salutes the winners and hopes that they didn't have too much trouble completing the application form.

According to the Press Statement,

"The winner, Szymon Skrzypczak, received the award of €6,000 euros. Tore Rosbo and Jenny Lundgren also received awards for the second and third best logos, €4,000 and €2,000 respectively. ...

Left: Mr Vidal-Quadras, pictured here in front of yet another set of logos.

According to Mr Alejo Vidal-Quadras, First Vice-President of the European Parliament, "The success of this logo competition throughout Europe demonstrates that we were right to put our confidence in young people to help us design the Europe of tomorrow. On behalf of the European Parliament, the institution who represents the European citizens, I would like to thank all the participants for their imagination and enthusiasm. I congratulate the winner for the very nice result, which expresses very well our common destiny".

The IPKat can report that the people's choice (right) represents an axiom that has become more apparent during the first fifty years of the European Union's institutions: "you can't teach an old dog new tricks". Merpel, who is horrified at this, prefers the more sympathetic device (left) that symbolises the constant trekking of the European Parliament between Brussels to Strasbourg.

Design your own logos here
Worst ever logos? Try here and here