Has anyone felt the TTBER?
The TTBER, or rather Technology Transfer Block Exemption Regulation
of 27 April 2004, Regulation 772/2004 on the application of Article 81(3) of the Treaty to categories of technology transfer agreements, does not appeared to have caused many shocks since its coming into force in May 2004. Replacing earlier Block Exemptions, it saves various intellectual property licences and agreements from being deemed anticompetitive and thus illegal under European Community law.

A friend has asked the IPKat a couple of questions and he doesn't know the answer. The question is: what is the impact of the TTBER on the business and commercial life of the European Union? Whose lives does it make a difference to, and why?

Now it's the IPKat's turn to ask: can anyone recommend any good reading matter (books, articles, websites, reports - ANYTHING!) on the TTBER. Not on what it's supposed to mean and how it's supposed to operate, but on its actual real-life impact. If you have any suggestions, can you please either post them below or mail them to the IPKat here and he'll forward them to his friend.

Er, not this TTBER, even if it is more fun ...