It's that website again ...

The IPKat's friend Sue Scott wrote to him yesterday on the subject of the UK Patent Office website (see earlier posts here, here and here):
"This morning I had a response to a caveat I filed online a few months ago. I click the link, I get taken to:

"Page not found

The Patent Office web site was redesigned on September 24th 2006

You have been referrred to a page that no longer exists from another website.

Unfortunately, we are unable to offer an equivalent page at this time so you will be automatically redirected to the new Patent Office home page in 10 seconds.

If you are not redirected then please use this link".

Words fail me!"
The IPKat suspects that Sue is not the only person on the planet who may have had this experience. If nothing else, he hopes that other public bodies that are about to launch website changes upon an unsuspecting world will take a little extra time to consult and check things out before they do so.

IP Enforcement and Remedies conference

The IPKat reminds you of the upcoming conference, IP Enforcement and Remedies: an international perspective on enforcement of rights and injunctive relief, which is coming up on 31 October in Central London, courtesy of LexisNexis Butterworths. It has got a great cast of speakers and touches on some highly topical issues - after all, IP rights aren't worth a cent if they're not backed up by a proper scheme for enforcing them. More details are available here.