Our first speaker is Florian Koempel, legal counsel at British Music Rights and his subject is "The exception to private copying in the UK: lamentable or irrelevant?"
Says Florian:
"Under UK Copyright Law any act of copying without the consent of the rights owner, is illegal (unless an exception expressly allows it). Yet, many make safety copies, transfer music from one format to another, or download music on the internet.The talk takes place at 1pm on Wednesday 6 December. All are welcome and there’s no charge, but please RSVP to Ilanah.Hardware producers and manufacturers of DVD-Rs and CD-Rs sell their devices including limitless copying facilities without the music creator or publisher being compensated. The question of private copying and fair compensation of the creator remains very controversial. This talk will discuss the different issues (legal and practical) involved under European and UK law, as well as exploring the practical relevance of the subject".