Documenting Disk Information

One of the things that computer forensics nerds (present company included, of course) need to do a lot of is documentation...something they, uh, I mean "we" are notoriously bad at. Come on, face it, most nerds don't like to document what they just gets in the way of doing the fun stuff.

What about documenting information about disks you image? You know...hook up a write-blocker, fire up the acquisition software...what about documenting the disk information for your acquisition worksheet, or your chain-of-custody forms?

One way to do this is with DiskID. Another way is to use WMI. By correlating data from the Win32_DiskDrive, Win32_DiskPartition, and (thanks to Jon Evans for pointing this one out) Win32_PhysicalMedia, you can get the same info as with other tools (on Windows). For example, correlating the data from the three Win32 classes mentioned give me the following - first, for my local hard drive:

Model : ST910021AS
Interface : IDE
Media : Fixed hard disk media
Capabilities :
Random Access
Supports Writing
Signature : 0x41ab2316
Serial No : 3MH0B9G3

\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0 Partition Info :
Disk #0, Partition #0
Installable File System
Boot Partition
Primary Partition

Disk #0, Partition #1
Extended w/Extended Int 13

Then for a USB thumb drive (gelded of the U3 utilities):

Model : Best Buy Geek Squad U3 USB Device
Interface : USB
Media : Removable media other than floppy
Capabilities :
Random Access
Supports Writing
Supports Removable Media
Signature : 0x0
Serial No :

\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE2 Partition Info :
Disk #2, Partition #0
Win95 w/Extended Int 13
Boot Partition
Primary Partition

See? Pretty cool. In some cases, you won't get a serial number, but for the ones I tested, I wasn't able to get a serial number via DiskID32, either.

Now, the cool thing is the "Signature". This is the DWORD value located at offset 0x1b8 in the MBR of a hard drive, and appears in the MountedDevices key entry for that drive (the data entry should be 12 bytes in length).

Using the Win32_LogicalDrive class, you can get the following:

Drive Type File System Path Free Space
----- ----- ----------- ----- ----------
C:\ Fixed NTFS 21.52 GB
D:\ Fixed NTFS 41.99 GB
E:\ CD-ROM 0.00
F:\ Removable FAT 846.70 MB
G:\ Fixed NTFS 46.91 GB

Not bad, eh? And the cool thing is that not only can these tools (which were written in Perl and can be 'compiled' using Perl2Exe) be used with the FSP, but they can also be used by administrators to query systems remotely.

Addendum, 3 Nov: I hooked up an old HDD to a write blocker today and ran the tools against's what I got from

Model : Tableau FireWire-to-IDE IEEE 1394 SBP2 Device
Interface : 1394
Media : Fixed hard disk media
Capabilities :
Random Access
Supports Writing
Signature : 0x210f210e
Serial No : 01cc0e00003105e0

\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE1 Partition Info :
Disk #1, Partition #0
Installable File System
Primary Partition

I verified the signature by previewing the drive in ProDiscover, and locating the DWORD at offset checked out. The Windows Device Manager shows the Tableau write-blocker to be the HDD controller.

Here's what I got from

F:\ Fixed NTFS 9.39 GB

The Disk Manager also reports an NTFS partition on the drive. Still looks pretty useful to me. DiskID32 reported some weird info, probably due to the write-blocker.