Friday notices

IPKat email circular list. Don't get into a flap about keeping abreast of the IPKat's blogging activities - you can receive every posting as it happens if you join the Kat's free email listing. Just email the IPKat here at and ask to have your name added.

Licences available. If you want to reproduce or make other copyright-restricted uses of IPKat postings, ask about the IPKat's very reasonable licence rates by dropping him a line on

Money to be made from wikis? Martin Farley has just sent the IPKat this link concerning the plan by Pearson plc to launch a commercial wiki co-authored by a community consisting of two business schools. This shows either (a) that commercial publishers have finally recognised the market power of cooperative and authoritative writing as a means of producing constantly fresh and reliable content or (b) that commercial publishers are cynically exploiting the worries of two leading US business schools (and their academic staff) as to how they can publish their materials and market themselves to future students in a changing environment.

Left: the moral of the illustration is that, if you don't make enough money from your wiki, they cut your hand off ...

The IPKat says, I'd like to see the royalty arrangements. Merpel says, with a wiki there won't be any - and as for moral rights, you can forget them entirely.

Articles for JIPLP. Co-bloggie Jeremy has received a lot of good offers of articles for the Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice on (i) Google litigation and (ii) IP and green issues (see earlier request here). If you've offered an article but have not yet heard from him, you soon will. Meanwhile, the previous paragraph has just sparked off another topic.

Right: another severed hand - but the function of moral rights is to attribute the work of the hand to the owner of the head that controls its creativity

Would anyone like to offer an article on the moral rights of authors in their contributions to wikis? This is an amazing subject and Jeremy can't think of anyone who has yet tackled it. If you're interested, email Jeremy on and do please let him know.

Don't forget. The IPKat and Merpel remind you not to forget to have a lovely weekend.