The IPKat has made only brief reference to the Sainsbury Review of Science and Innovation, which was announced by the Treasury on 27 November 2006 (black mark for tardiness IPKat). The Chancellor has asked Lord Sainsbury to carry out a review of science and innovation policies across government. The review will cover certain aspects of patent law, as the terms of reference point out. They state, inter alia, that Lord Sainsbury will consider ‘Patents, Measurement System and Standards’. He will report to Mr Brown and the Secretaries of State for Trade and Industry and Education and Skills, in time for the Comprehensive Spending Review in summer 2007.

Lord Sainsbury, looking fiercely independent

Call the IPKat a cynic, but he’s not convinced by the idea of an ‘independent’ review carried out by the man who, until 17 days before the review was launched, was the minister with responsibility for precisely this area. Hm, adds Merpel. Another super-speedy review with implications for IP. This one has an even quicker turnaround time than the Gowers Review.