Trade mark dilution - changes and lessons; New Law Lord

Trade mark dilution - changes and lessons

The Intellectual Property Institute is holding a seminar on Thursday 18 January 2007 on the subject "Trade mark dilution: Changes in the US - Lessons for Europe?" The speaker is IPKat co-blogmeister Dr Ilanah Simon and IPI's Paul Leonard is in the chair.

This event is hosted by CPA Management Systems in their most attractive venue at 1 Oliver's Yard, London EC1Y 1DT. The event begins at 5pm and is followed by refreshments. If you'd like to come, let the Institute know by emailing the Administrator, Anne Goldstein, here.

Trademark Dilution Revision Act 2006 (US) here

New Law Lord

Lord Justice Neuberger (Sir David Neuberger) has been elevated from the Court of Appeal for England and Wales to the House of Lords.

The IPKat congratulates his Lordship, who was at one time a judge in the Patents Court. His dissenting judgment in Coflexip SA v Stolt Offshore MS Ltd [2004] EWCA Civ 213 (reported here on BAILII) is the most powerful and persuasive dissent the IPKat can recall reading.