Weekend Wonders
Right: "Frankenstein Created Woman" was the title of the film, but (as Merpel notes) woman created Frankenstein ...
Cliff Richard petitions. The IPKat's friend Stine wonders if anyone has any idea of where she can find the petition that Cliff Richard and his friends sent to the European Commission on the duration of copyright in sound recordings. She had heard that the petition was not yet "official" and that only parts of it has been published. She also wonder whether this petition is the same one as that sent to the team working on the Gowers Review.
Right: Sir Cliff, no stranger to public relations activities, with a Town Crier
If you can help Stine, please post a comment below or email the IPKat here. If you think Sir Cliff Richard should renounce his knighthood for voluntarily attempting to hoodwink the public by seeking an extension of copyright term for sound recordings and performances, click here.
Left: Galileo, annoyed at the theft of his name, now wants to be known as SatNav
The IPKat is really annoyed that no official English translation of the CFI ruling has appeared on the Curia website and wonders if anyone has a copy he can feast on? And can anyone explain why translations have been made available in Latvian, Lithuanian, Slovak and Slovene, but not in the most frequently-used and understood language in intellectual property circles? Is the Court trying to cover something up?