The IPKat
learns CBC from that the Scotch Whisky Association has lost an attempt to oppose the registration of GLEN BRETON as a trade mark by a company producing whisky in Canada. The Association considers that the name gives consumers the false impression that the whisky is Scottish. However, the applicant, Glenora, argues that Breton alludes to the fact that the distillery is located in Cape Breton, and the Glen element identifies the fact that it is in a valley, and that water from the Glenora Falls in used. Moreover, it uses a Canadian maple leaf on its bottle. The Canadian Trade-Marks Opposition Board found that the term 'glen' was used by other Canadian producers, and would not lead consumers to believe the goods came from Scotland.
Left: Glen Breton (artwork by Aaron Bihari)The IPKat understands that Glenora has credible reasons for selecting the elements of its mark but, at the same time, it does sound rather Scottish.