Do non-traditional marks need non-traditional measures?

Do non-traditional marks need non-traditional measures?

Right: a hologram as art, from

The IPKat's friend, IP practitioner, litigant and provocateur Dr Ralf Sieckmann (Cohausz Dawidowicz Hannig & Sozien, Düsseldorf) writes to tell him the following:
"The 2007 update version of global Non-Traditional Trade Marks Archives (Holograms, Colours, Sounds, Motion) is now available as PDFs for downloading at my account at

Just use this hyperlink to have a look at it".
This is all good news and the IPKat welcomes it. Merpel however says that this is not enough. Now that Dr Sieckmann has done so much diligent work in identifying the marks in question, what we need is a wiki that enables interested parties to update and add links to the PDFs, such as office and judicial decisions, articles and other relevant documents.

Left: a hologram maker

Take holograms, for example. What we have here is currently 25 pages in 2-dimensional format; if we could only link this data to (i) files that show how the holograms 'move', (ii) case law and office rulings, (iii) other related marks filed by the same applicant, and so on, the file would really come to life. This is too much work for any individual, but "many hands make light work". So Merpel wonders, would anyone be willing to help, just as an experiment with holograms first, to build on the functionality of Dr Sieckmann's work by seeing if it could be wiki'd?

Right: a striking hologram from

Wikipedia on holography here
Security holograms here
How to make holograms here
Make holograms at home here
Buy your pink iridescent hologram cowgirl hat here