Fragments for Friday

WIPO logo competition

The IPKat apologises for not having posted the winning entry for his WIPO logo competition yet - it's been one of those weeks when everything seems to take longer than it should and Jeremy is definitely running a bit slowly right now. The winner should be up on the blog by first thing next Monday at the very latest.

Slow down!

Next week (14 to 20 January 2007, that is) has been declared International Slow Down Week by Adbusters. The IPKat feels a little saddened that the Culture-Jammers' movement, which only a few years ago was making a serious contribution to the debate on where rampant consumerism was going and what could be done to counter it, is reduced to minimal impact activities such as this and its sister, Buy Nothing Day. What went wrong, he muses? Does anyone know?

Right, Kalle Lasn's Culture Jam - a wonderfully thought-provoking book that should be read by all serious consumers, manufacturers and media-spinners