Latest JIPLP; Seattle Trademark Lawyer

The January 2007 issue of the Oxford University Press monthly Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice has almost been published, alas rather later than usual on account of the time taken for the handsome new red ink to dry on its illustrious newly-freshened cover. This is quite literally the latest issue, in that no previous issue has ever been published quite so very late ...
Particular attractions to be found include
* "The orphan works dilemma and museums: an uncomfortable straitjacket", by aspiring young US commentator Simon Teng (abstract here);Full contents here
* "Enforcement of Community Designs by Alicante courts: a promising start", by one of the OHIM design gurus, José J. Izquierdo Peris (abstract here);
* "Intellectual property protection and enforcement at major events: Practical lessons learnt from the Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games" by Allens Arthur Robinson duo Tim Golder and Wendy Burnett (abstract here).
Free sample issue here
Subscription details here; submit an article here
Read the Editorial (and indeed all Editorials from November 2005) here
Seattle Trademark Lawyer