Legends of the Tech Industry

Okay, this post is not specific to Windows or IR, but I wanted to mention this...

Ever since I was in graduate school, I've been interested in the real stories behind the legends of the technology industry. Actually, it really goes back further than that to when I was in high school...my calculus teacher held Grace Hopper as her personal hero. Skip forward 10 years and I'm in grad school walking by Gary Kildall's former office every day.

I could keep rattling off names, but I wanted to share something that I had read yesterday...this online article from WSJ.com about John Draper, aka "Cap'n Crunch". I first saw the article linked from SlashDot just by chance, and I found the article itself to be fascinating. I happened to catch John on IM and he asked me for my opinion about the article. I told him what I thought, and by that time, he'd gotten started on his day so his thoughts were "mixed". Regardless of what the author of the article chose to point out and how he chose to protray John, I do think that it was a good thing that Steve Wozniak was quoted and that John's relationship with both "The Woz" and Steve Jobs was at least pointed out.

I think it's cool to be able to get the "inside scoop" as it were, to be able to pierce the veil of mystery (and misinformation) that is put up around people like John, Woz, etc., by the media. Whether it's an article, a book, or a movie, there's always something that was misinterpretted or simply done wrong to make the piece suitable for public consumption. Also, it's good to get another perspective on some of the events in history. Very cool.