More to read ...

More to read ...

The IPKat has received copies of two more publications emanating from the Intellectual Property Institute. Although both were published late last year, they have so far received little publicity - unfairly, in the Kat's opinion.

Right: The IPKat, watchful for predatory cybersquatters, polices his .eu domain

The first is Domain Name Dispute Resolution, being a report on a seminar last July led by one of the grand-daddies of trade mark and domain name law in Europe, the evergreen David Tatham OBE. This slim title provides some very neat description and analysis of the first batch of 33 .eu domain dispute resolutions, concluding that - whatever one thinks of the system and its mutation of ICANN's .com norms - on the whole they have been handled very well.

The second is Protection of Regulatory Data Under Article 39.3 of TRIPs: the Indian Context, researched by one-time Oxford scholar and now Washington DC spicy blogger Shamnad Basheer. This little book describes the requirement for protecting regulatory data laid down by TRIPs (is it an intellectual property right? That's a good topic for discussion) and explains how current Indian law falls short of fulfilling that requirement.

Further details of each title (they're £20 apiece) and details on how to order them here.

A third text that has fallen into the Kat's paws is Artist's Resale Right (Droit de Suite): Law and Practice, by London solicitor Simon Stokes, a partner in the London office of recently-merged Blake Lapthorn Tarlo Lyons. Published by the Institute of Art and Law, it bears a November 2006 imprint. The reference to 'Practice' needs some explanation. Since the law on resale rights for artists has only recently come into force in the United Kingdom, there is little actual practice as such, and certainly no case law. This does not however mean that there are no practical issues for the artist and his lawyer to address - and that is what this book does. Apart from explaining the legislative, economic and philosophical background to the new right in a direct, intelligent manner, the book prepares the reader for what is to come: issues such as taxation, collection, framing and restoration costs.

Bibliographic details. ISBN 1-903987-15-6. x + 86 pages. Paperback, £17 inc p+p. Rupture factor: non-existent. Full contents here