Next Thursday (18 January) evening, IPKat co-blogmeister Ilanah is giving a talk for the Intellectual Property Institute entitled 'Trade Mark Dilution: Changes in the US; Lessons for Europe?'

For fans of abstracts, here is next Thursday's:

On 6 October 2006, the United States of America passed legislation completely replacing its federal protection against dilution. The Trademark Dilution Revision Act 2006 follows just 11 years after the US first introduced federal trade mark dilution protection in the shape of the Federal Trademark Dilution Act 1995.

This paper examines why such a comprehensive legislative overhaul was necessary so soon after the initial introduction of federal dilution protection. It asks whether the Revision Act changes are sufficient to address the problems identified under the old law. Finally, it compares the EU position on dilution (placing particular emphasis on the UK case law) with that under the Revision Act, and considers whether the EU would benefit from adopting any of the Revision Act changes.

Full details of the talk (which is free for students) are available here.